Friday, September 19, 2008

Twilight Apple = Heart Pic!

Here's another Twilight Cover picture! I edited it (and put my name on it lol) to look like when someone bit into the apple, it was bit into the shape of a heart. Or they could have just carved the heart shape into the apple. But anyways, if you like it, feel free to comment!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breaking Dawn Pic

Here's a picture that I have made to honor Breaking Dawn! It's very simple, but I am still working on all of the harder graphics! There's still more graphics to come! Again, email or comment all that you would like if you want this pic!

Cedward Pic

Here's a picture that I made for all Harry Potter and Twilight fans! You see, Robert Pattinson plays both Cedric Diggory (from Harry Potter) and Edward Cullen (from Twilight)! So I combined the picture of Cedric and a hand holding an apple, and wa-la! Cedward is born! If you would like this picture, feel free to comment or email. :)

Twilight Graphics!

Hi, I'm Robedric Pattinsedward and I create Twilight Graphics for any site at all! All you need to do is comment on any graphic that you like, and I will send you the link that you need to paste on your site or profile to put the graphic on your site or profile! Call me Emanon, I don't care. It's No Name backwards. That's why its called ... so yeah... bye!

Givin' a shout out to everyone who hates Jacob Black in general because he's so annyoing! Also to whoever thinks that Bella was annoying in Breaking Dawn! No offense, Bella, but it's true!