Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hey everyone!

Hi everybody! So sorry I haven't been on in like two weeks! Homework is piling up by the second, and it's way too hard to post at least even one time a day seven days a week! I haven't made that many new graphics in a while, sorry! But I have been making little imeem layouts with my pictures! You can sign up at right now by just clicking the link! Remember to add as a friend, or else... I'LL EAT YOU!

Anyways, Happy Halloween everybody! I will say it for the next three days until Halloween is completely over! YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Twilight imeem Layouts

Hey everyone, you can all get awesome imeem Twilight layouts at my page:
There's an awesome black, gray, and white layout that I have just made that anybody can use, as long as you keep the name Robedric Pattinsedward on it! Thanks! <3

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow! Here's something amazing! <3

Isn't this amazing?! A very nice person, name Anonymous, sent me this picture by email! He or she did not leave their name, and sent the picture by an email that was said to be restricted (as in, the email was not shown). She or he said in the email that she or he saw the site and told me to post it by Anonymous. He or she even put my name on it, so nice! Lol. So, yes. I will probably make a few new ones, then post them on here. Then I'll be done for the day. It's been a very long weekend. Have a good day. <3>

Twilight Blend!

Yay! My first blend ever! I'd like to say thanks to Jenny who told me how to use a blending tool in Photoshop! Thanks again! Anyways, just remember that if you want any of these graphics, you can email me! <3

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The New Version of Twilight Pic!

This really looks like a painting... but it is not. Lol. I took the picture of only Bella and Edward and pasted it on this background (as in the one with the water and grass and nature and crap like that). Btw, I don't think nature is crap, it was just a joke. I feel more at home in nature than with my family. It's kinda sad. Anyways, then in Photoshop, I edited the picture with blur-type tools to make it look like a painting. Please comment your ideas and questions, and thanks. :-)

Even MORE icons! <3

Here are 3 more random icons. They're kinda better than the ones before (they don't look as amateur lol). The first is Alice Cullen (as you should probably know), and the second and third... I won't even say. For if you did not know, I would die. Lol. Not really. <3

Twilight Movie Icons!

Wow, that's a lot of icons... 10 very creative icons... yeah. Lol. My mom is kinda mad at me for no reason right now. I just asked if we had bagels and she started yelling. Random, but sad. And now she's stomping up the stairs for no reason. She said that now she won't buy me any new clothes with the paycheck we just got. And all I did was ask if we had bagels. She then exactly yelled out, "NO WE DON'T, HANNAH!" (my real name is Hannah) "WE DON'T HAVE BAGELS! STOP ACTING LIKE WE HAVE ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!" But I don't act that way. (Btw, we live in an apartment) I just asked for bagels. Is that acting like we have all the money in the world?! Yeah, she gets mad often just like that for no reason. It's usually for a reason, but a lot of times it isn't (happens about 6 days a week, every day except Sunday when she isolates herself from everyone and just watches movies and stuff like that). Sorry I'm telling you this because it is very random and has nothing to do with Twilight, but I have nothing to say about the icons... lol. <3

Twilight Book Cover Pic - The Very Amateur Original

Okay... I have finally posted all of the amateur book cover pictures that I can find... good ridance... lol. FINALLY!! Overreacting, sorry... have a good day without any amateur pictures! XD <3

New Moon BOOK COVER pic... oh joy...

Wow... another... but this time... it's New Moon!! ... Not like it makes a difference lol... Just one more of these very amateur pictures left... I think...

ANOTHER book cover pic... ugh...

Wow... another amateur book cover pic... how many of these did I make?! Anyways, that's not that important right now. I have like two others that I will post in just a moment. And if you didn't know, this is the cover of Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight series. The other two I will post in just a moment are Twilight and New Moon. FYI, I posted the Breaking Dawn one sometime in September.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Book Collection Pic and Flickr account!

How do you like this one??? I just got a random pick from the web then used Photoshop to change the picture quality, added that little design on the edges, and added the words (including the name Robedric Pattinsedward at the top!)
Also, I just made a Flickr account which I will put these pictures on. Pretty pointless, but oh well. :)

Yet another Twilight cover pic...

Yes, here is another Twilight cover, but the normal picture didn't have this "cool" border, but just a normal border. At least this makes it a little more interesting... kinda... ok, not. I was just bored. Might as well put this on the site! There's still more to come!

New Email and Twilight Cupcakes Pic!

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while to anyone who's ever been on the site! So, the cupcakes of course represent Edward and Jacob! I found the picture of the two cupcakes with that background (it was on a recipe webpage) then I used Photoshop to make the signs and make them look like real paper. Then I used Photoshop to add the writing>>>And here we are! Again, just email me if you want this picture or any other ones I have made!
Just made a new Yahoo! email;! You can email me there too now! I check each one every other day (or something like that at least, lol)! Thanks!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Twilight Apple = Heart Pic!

Here's another Twilight Cover picture! I edited it (and put my name on it lol) to look like when someone bit into the apple, it was bit into the shape of a heart. Or they could have just carved the heart shape into the apple. But anyways, if you like it, feel free to comment!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breaking Dawn Pic

Here's a picture that I have made to honor Breaking Dawn! It's very simple, but I am still working on all of the harder graphics! There's still more graphics to come! Again, email or comment all that you would like if you want this pic!

Cedward Pic

Here's a picture that I made for all Harry Potter and Twilight fans! You see, Robert Pattinson plays both Cedric Diggory (from Harry Potter) and Edward Cullen (from Twilight)! So I combined the picture of Cedric and a hand holding an apple, and wa-la! Cedward is born! If you would like this picture, feel free to comment or email. :)

Twilight Graphics!

Hi, I'm Robedric Pattinsedward and I create Twilight Graphics for any site at all! All you need to do is comment on any graphic that you like, and I will send you the link that you need to paste on your site or profile to put the graphic on your site or profile! Call me Emanon, I don't care. It's No Name backwards. That's why its called ... so yeah... bye!

Givin' a shout out to everyone who hates Jacob Black in general because he's so annyoing! Also to whoever thinks that Bella was annoying in Breaking Dawn! No offense, Bella, but it's true!